Hey loves!

Today I’m going to be doing a post that’s like the blogging version of my new resolutions and I’m going to be sharing the goals that I have set for myself regarding my blog for 2018! Here’s to hoping that I stick to them!


Reach 30,000 Blog Views by the End of the Year:

I started my blog this year in June and I’ve already hit over 12,000 views which is crazy so realistically I would hope to reach around 25,000 by the end of 2018 but my goal is 30,000 so hopefully I reach that!

Post Weekly:

I’ve tried and failed to stick to a blogging schedule in the past and I’ve failed badly but this year I plan to post weekly, or at least getting 4 posts out a month, even if it’s not weekly. I’m not going to give myself a schedule to stick to because I know I won’t be able to stick to it and that will be frustrating so I’d rather stick to 4 posts a month, giving me the flexibility to work around it!

Reach 5,000 Followers:

This is probably my most ambitious goal but I aim to get it, nonetheless! I am at around 2,000 followers now and hopefully I gain 3,000 more in 2018!

Change Up My Header:

I’ve never been happy with my logo or my header and I’m not the most skilled at creating them so one of my goals would be to make one that I’m actually happy with!

Increase My Interactivity Across My Social Medias:

This year, I would love to engage more with other bloggers and also support more bloggers as well, across all platforms to increase exposure and potentially make friends with other bloggers!

So those are the goals I have set for myself in terms of blogging for 2018 and I hope I reach them all! Some are realistic and some are ambitious but we shall see how they pan out! This was a short post for me, compared to how long my other blogposts are but I wanted to write this post nonetheless because I think it’d be great for me to look back at when 2018 is coming to an end to see if I met them!


Thank you for reading and please follow my blog for more lifestyle posts! Drop me a follow on my social media sites to stay updated with me!

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108 thoughts on “MY 2018 BLOGGING GOALS!

  1. Fabulous post .. thank you for sharing! Really hoping to achieve my main 2018 goal of completing my first draft of a debut novel. I keep having way too much fun blogging through and distract myself!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello! There are few things I love more than reading a determined goal list. It sounds like you are set for a wonderful 2018. I loved your goal pertaining to making more blogger friends. I am recently a new lifestyle blogger, and so far I have noticed that the blogging community is super helpful and supportive. I have been trying to set time daily (or every other day) to reach out to different bloggers in the hopes to make new friends. Keep up the great work, and keep hustling towards those goals. 🙂


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